Hypericum the last science discovery, part two
Clinical experimentation with extracts of St.. John’s wort in depressed patients – Results, comparisons and final conclusions of pharmaco ther apy against depression… Scarica PDF
Clinical experimentation with extracts of St.. John’s wort in depressed patients – Results, comparisons and final conclusions of pharmaco ther apy against depression… Scarica PDF
In the past ten years, phytotherapeutic knowledge on St. John’s wort has undergone a radical change, allowing it a more objective positive evaluation. From the biological point of view, St. John’s wort is not , as was thought, a drug that is active against psychovegetative disorders, anxiety and nervous agitation but is exclusively an anti-depressant […]
…at present however, these compounds are gradually losing the interest of gastro-intestinal phytotherapeutic research because they have been replaced by compounds with a blander action (such as the so-called “mechanical” laxat ives”, that is of swelling, such as psyllium) point ing out , however, new horizons in the antitumour field (apoptosis of carcinogenic cells) of […]
Aloe and its constituents/derivatives is considered the most energetic laxative of the common purgative drugs (senna, cascara, frangula, rhubarb) and, as such, was greatly used in the past from time immemorial (the Ebers Papyrus from Thebes). Even today, in the presence of serious constiption and in individual, non-continuous cases, it can be used profitably… Scarica […]
As already recalled in Par t One (Natural 1, September 2002), Pharmacopoeias do not refer to a drug consisting of aloe leaf but of its dried latex (see Par t Two, point 2.1 in Natural 1, October 2002). In this regard, the American Pharmacopoeia (USP 25, p. ) states: “Aloe is the dr ied juice […]
he Aloe genus, known and used in phytotherapy for thousands of years, continues to be of therapeutic interest from new points of view as well: in addition to its recognised laxative and disinfectant qualities, its immunostimulant, antiulcerogenous and ant i-tumoural characteristics mak e it worthy of closer study. Despite some terminological difficulties of a botanical […]
Although apparently solid, 60-70% of the human body is actually made up fluids. The task of the lymphatic system is precisely that of allowing a balanced flow of the fluids to the various compartment s of the organism and preventing their stasis… Scarica PDF
Together with other bee products such as honey, pollen and royal jelly, propolis is a fundamental and frequent reference for the operators ofthe sector for phytotherapies of certain efficacy… Scarica PDF
During the phytotherapeutict reatment of excess weight and obesity, it is opportune to associate external treatment with internal treatment as care for the body also takes this direction. Excess weight in women is often accompanied by problems of cellulite, as these are phenomena which can have a significant common cause and therefore evolve in parallel… […]
The peculiar shape of the tree and it s leaves aroused great curiosity in Europe, and a number of patrician families, fascinated by the majest ic nature of the Gingko, planted numerous specimens in their parks… Scarica PDF