Hypericum perforatum the fugademon
…” in any case any total Hypericum extract preparations for oral consumption always bear the wording “ avoid direct exposure to sunlight or the use of sun tan lamps “ … Scarica PDF
…” in any case any total Hypericum extract preparations for oral consumption always bear the wording “ avoid direct exposure to sunlight or the use of sun tan lamps “ … Scarica PDF
The most widespread legend on the origin of the Medical School of Salerno relates that four pilgrims – a Latin, a Greek, a Jew and an Arab – met by chance in Salerno in the 9th century. They were all well-versed in medicine and decided to pool their knowledge, creating an association to give rise […]
A plant of the family Malvaceae used all over the world as a pleasant, caffein- free drink to replace tea and coffee, Roselle is the Eritrean denomination of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Nowadays, this shrub of Jamaican origin (sabdariffa is the local West Indies name) is grown in all tropical countries, including Nigeria, where the following […]
The taste for elegance and ornamentation declined and disappeared with the fall of the Roman Empire, perhaps not as suddenly as may be thought , but it is certain that the population, under the threat of continuous invasions by barbarians had many other things to think about rather than decorating and ornamenting their bodies… Scarica […]
Notes of guidance to make the right choice in the development of herbal preparations… Scarica PDF
Out of the 248 thousand species of plants existing in the world, only a small percentage has been studied. Amazonia, the Andes, Borneo, India, China, the Philippines and Africa: this is where the huge unexplored pharmacy created by Mother Nature is to be found to a greatextent… Scarica PDF
The market of natural products, on an internat ional level, is in a phase of ext raordinary expansion. Among the causes, the boom in the United States’ market , projected beyond US Scarica PDF
Japan is a country well known for its people’s longevity and now the Japanese diet has become quite popular and is being eaten worldwide in foods such as sushi. We are very proud of the status Japan has for longevity which we like to attribute to our healthy diet of macrobiotic food and our food […]