The influence of broad bean wilt virus (BBWV) on the essential oil…
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From waste to a nutraceutical quality: a green and sustainable approach for the recovery of Vitamin D
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Herbs and functional foods for sport performance
Pardini Andrea, Rosaria Fabrizio, Pardini Son Nowadays herbal medicinal products and supplements are used by not less than 80% of people worldwide for some part of primary healthcare and thepresent link between plants and sport can be found in the concept of “functional foods”. Many of these are available on the market and their effectschange […]
Nori The edible red algae Pyropia yezoensis contains many nutrients and health-promoting compounds
Tomoyuki Koyama Nori, one of the favorite food of the Japanese, is a dry foodstuff processed from the edible red algae Pyropia yezoensis with less than 3% moisture content and which has protein and dietary fiber as its major components. In addition, this seaweed contains high levels of iron, zinc, and manganese as well as […]
Speaking to Anna Rita Bilia
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Hericium erinaceus effects on central nervous system
Paola Rossi Hericium erinaceus is an edible and medicinal mushroom well known in China, where it’s called Houtou, and in Japan, where it’s called Yamabushitake because it resembles the ornamental cloth worn by Buddhist monks practicing asceticism. This article illustrates the activities of this mushroom on central nervous system and memory. Natural 1 Scarica PDF
Seaweed at the dinner table can it help to prevent obesity?
Tomoyuki Koyama It is well known that overweight and obesity are most often caused by excessive caloric intake, unbalanced diet, social stress, and lack of exercise. In order to maintain an optimum body condition, it is important to select the appropriate quality and quantity of food consumed in one’s daily meals. A good and smart […]